The program for the evening began with a d’var torah and welcome from Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum, Rabbi of the Young Israel of Lawrence/Cedarhurst, followed by a sushi demonstration by Naomi Ross, Director of Cooking Concepts and 3 able assistants from the audience. There was a presentation by Meir Panim, and the evening closed with an Asian-style buffet with sushi from Simply Sushi Café and food provided by Gourmet Glatt of Cedarhurst. The evening was graced with the presence of Judy Grossman, Director of
Development at Meir Panim, who flew in from Israel to take part in the
wonderful event.
Linda and Mitch spoke about their experiences in Israel with Meir Panim and about how deeply moved they were by the amount of kindness shown to those who receive services from Meir Panim. They were so inspired by what they saw in Israel, they volunteered to host an event to bring the message of Meir Panim to the Five Towns.
Cooking Concepts was developed in 2003 to help newly married Jewish brides learn not only how to cook, but also kitchen management skills such as menu planning and preparing for Shabbos. Interest in the program grew, and the curriculum was expanding to include workshops that would appeal to a larger spectrum of women.
For more information about Cooking Concepts, or to learn about Naomi’s classes and demonstrations, please visit her website at