Meir Panim Update
Uplifting Wounded Soldiers
December 12, 2023

In this difficult time of war, with so much suffering and pain, Meir Panim’s mission has expanded more than ever, and at the same time, is more important than ever. 

Providing thousands of meals daily to front-line troops and displaced families, Meir Panim has become a resource on top of minds as the organization that can respond quickly and efficiently, and of course, with love. It is for this reason that representatives at one of Israel’s largest hospitals, Tel Hashomer, reached out to Meir Panim about coordinating a visit and day of pampering for injured troops who could use some extra cheering up. With their peers still on the front lines, the soldiers often feel isolated making recovery all the more painful. 

Meir Panim volunteers and staff went to “brighten their faces” and provide gifts to make their stay at the hospital more comfortable and recuperative. In addition to food, we brought comforting pillows and blankets, reading material, and even electronics and video game systems to keep them occupied. The most important part of the visit however wasn’t the things we brought, but the people that came to thank these brave young adults for their service, the feeling that we as a country and people are behind them, and the warm conversations and exchanges that took place.

We are so grateful that Meir Panim was called in to perform this extraordinarily meaningful opportunity to give back to those who have given so much.

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