Meir Panim Update
Restrictions ease up in Israel, economy still has a long way to go
May 24, 2020

Israel is slowly starting to loosen up its restrictions, businesses and schools are beginning to open and some employees are able to return to work. 

After almost three months in quarantine, we are finally able to reopen our After School Neighborhood Youth Center in Neviim! However, there are still restrictions that we are enforcing in our Centers to ensure that it’s a safe atmosphere. All teens have to wear masks and they are maintaining social distancing. Regardless of the restrictions, our teens are so excited to be back with their friends and mentors. The group picked up right where they left off – the Center is a space where the teens can find emotional support, a social outlet, and programs to develop their leadership skills.


While this is all great news, Israel is still very much in crisis. Hotels, restaurants, and events have yet to resume – this is an enormous burden on Meir Panim, as industrial kitchens are an integral source of surplus food for the meals that are provided to clients. 


The demand for social services is still at an all-time high since many Israeli citizens are unable to work and provide for their families. Meir Panim remains committed to the newly unemployed, the needy and homebound and will do its utmost to make sure that no family goes hungry. 


Just last week, Ilanit, the Branch Manager in Or Akiva, along with her group of volunteers were joined by an IDF unit, and they distributed farm-fresh produce to hundreds of families. 


Ilanit has gone above and beyond during this crisis to ensure that all our clients have been taken care of. Her contribution has made a profound impact on hundreds of families! In honor of her efforts throughout COVID-19, Meir Panim awarded her a special certificate recognizing her leadership and sacrifice.

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