With every single purchase you make on the HAS Advantage Visa Card, you help fund Meir Panim’s life-changing programs and help the less fortunate in Israel.
The partnership between HAS and Meir Panim is an ideal way to generate much-needed funding. Simply go about your regular spending and a percentage of every purchase goes to Meir Panim – providing relief to Israel’s neediest citizens – at no extra
cost to you!
Plus, cardholders will earn 1 reward point for every $1 spent. Points can be redeemed for merchandise, cash back and travel, including bonus tickets on EL AL for the fewest
points of any card out there.
For more information, call 866.6.ISRAEL or visit www.hasadvantage.com. Apply using code CFMP2 and Meir Panim will receive an $18 donation on your behalf. Plus you’ll receive 1,000 bonus reward points. Choose from a number of great designs.
So reward yourself, and make a difference for others!