Meir Panim Update
A Festive Start to the Year with Meir Panim
October 19, 2022

All summer, our Branch Managers knew they had a tremendous task ahead of them to provide needy citizens with all they need to have a festive Rosh Hashanah holiday. 

With the poverty rate in Israel having doubled over the last two years and an influx of Ukrainian refugees, already by July, we began planning, both logistically and financially, the task of providing tens of thousands of meals for the two-day holiday. 

Thousands of pounds of meat were ordered, hundreds of volunteers secured, and enough takeaway trays so that each person could come in before the holiday and be greeted with a warm welcome and wishes for a Shana Tova U’metuka!

This year, Meir Panim’s biggest Rosh Hashana distribution took place with a total of:

Over 25,000 cooked meals
Over 20,000 holiday baskets
Over 10,000 pre-paid food shopping cards

This three-pronged distribution allowed our patrons to experience the holiday with the same joy and abundance as everyone else! With home-cooked meals ready to be eaten, pantry staples such as sugar, pastries, grape juice, and fresh produce to prepare to their liking, and the ability to go into any grocery store and purchase their favorite trimmings and additions. 

It was truly an all-hands-on-deck experience, a loving commitment between those giving a helping hand in many different ways and those in need, filling their plates and hearts to start the New Year off with joy and celebration.

Shana Tova with dignity and respect, and gratitude for all of our helping hands – through volunteering and financial support all giving bridging one community to another.

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