For most teenagers, the hardest thing about being in isolation is not being able to visit friends and family. But for the at-risk youth in Sderot, being in isolation has a completely different meaning.
The Neighborhood Youth Center has been a resource for helping the at-risk teens manage the difficulties and hardships in their lives. Through the mentoring they receive, they learn to work through their problems by learning communication skills.
Thanks to the counselors in Sderot, the Neighborhood Youth Center programs continued to run virtually so that each participant could take part in daily activities. Through various different online applications such as Zoom, Tik Tok and WhatsApp, the teens were able to communicate with their friends and mentors.
It was really special to see how the staff was able to take a difficult situation and turn it into opportunities that were upbeat and fun!
For the holidays, our devoted counselors assembled special packages which contained treats and a personal message and delivered them to the teens. The teens and their families were so impressed with the dedication and love they witnessed.
Thank you to our incredible Neighborhood Youth Center staff for making the lockdown a little easier for our Sderot teens.