The theater group performed their acclaimed “The Heart of Shiraz” show at a local community center on March 11. Tali Tzemach of London and the UK Branch of Meir Panim sponsored this extraordinary evening. Following the performance, each child received two mishloach manot gift bags donated by Discount Bank of the UK.
“It was a truly amazing experience,” said Chana Avrahami, a sixth-grade teacher who works at Meir Panim’s after-school program in Kiryat Malachi. “The children and their parents sat in amazement throughout the entire show, enjoying the beautiful songs and dance. They experienced a wonderful live theatrical performance that had them smiling, laughing and cheering with pure joy. These families would never have had such an opportunity without the generosity and support of Meir Panim.”
The lively and talented performers engaged the audience tremendously throughout the performance, stepping off stage to dance and interact with the children. The community center was bustling with energy and enthusiasm. This Purim celebration will surely be remembered for years to come!