The Meir Panim Branches are always busy during the Holiday season. This year with the coronavirus pandemic spiraling out of control, our Restaurant-Style Soup Kitchens have been busier than ever before!
This holiday season, our staff and volunteers have been working from sunrise to sunset in order to meet the ever-growing demand for meals. Additionally, because of the second lockdown in Israel, many Israelis are limited to where they can travel to and are unable to come to our Branches to pick up meals. Therefore, Meir Panim has expanded its Meals-on-Wheels program again and our staff and volunteers have been working tirelessly to ensure that each individual receives the nourishment they need.
Meir Panim Tzfat Distributes Lulavim and Etrogim
With so many Israelis out of work, thousands are unable to provide food for their families let alone have the ability to buy a lulav and etrog for Sukkot. Luckily, Meir Panim’s Tzfat Branch secured a generous donation of hundreds of lulavim and etrogim to distribute to those who were interested when they picked up food for the holiday.
Getting Creative for the Children of Sderot
For most children, Sukkot is a week of vacation in Israel and families pack up their cars to go on fun trips and adventures all across the country. But since the holiday was spent in a lockdown, families had to stay home and keep their children entertained with at-home activities. While many ran to toy stores to stock up on board games and toys, many families were not fortunate enough to consider this costly option.
Ariel, a Sderot Neighborhood Youth Center counselor, collaborated with the Municipality and Meir Panim to secure hundreds of donated games to distribute to needy families. Additionally, with the assistance of the Municipality, 6,000 special editions of Monopoly were customized to the city of Sderot highlighting their streets and landmarks and were delivered around the city!