Meir Panim Update
Making a Difference
January 1, 1970

A bright young woman named Ariel Blumenstrauch had an idea – why not approach these
students and ask them to donate their leftover items to the less fortunate, rather than shipping
them home or simply leaving them behind.

Over 30 schools, seminaries and summer programs are being approached, and items such as
sweaters, gym clothes, backpacks, toiletries, linens and school supplies are being collected. The materials will be distributed in Meir Panim restaurants and after-school clubs across the country, benefitting those who need it most.

This requires a lot of legwork and coordinating, and Ariel is working very hard – making phone
calls, planning visits and pick-ups. The project is still in its early stages, but Ariel has already collected some much-needed items.

Toward the end of the school year, Meir Panim will place special boxes in all the schools where
students can leave their items.

Thanks to Ariel’s efforts, hundreds of children and families will be able to enjoy warm clothing,
basic linens, and other necessities.

Ariel sums it up beautifully when she, “sometimes we fail to recognize the significance of a small action; it only takes one person to make a difference in the life of another.” Ariel is living proof.

We at Meir Panim thank Ariel for this special project, and applaud her outstanding commitment,
kindness and concern.

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