You can make sure Holocaust Survivors get the food and care they need for the holidays

You can make sure Holocaust Survivors get the food and care they need for the holidays

25% of Israel’s Holocaust Survivors live in poverty

Help us feed and care for a Holocaust Survivor over the holidays.

Two years ago, Leah, a Holocaust Survivor living in Israel, lost her husband of 52 years. The loss of her husband devastated Leah, leaving her sad and alone. Leah went from being social and active to feeling almost as if she had no reason to live. Meir Panim quickly stepped in and became Leah’s lifeline. Our Holocaust Survivor Day Center provided Leah with meals, a social life, therapy, and so much more.

This all changed when Covid-19 hit, putting restrictions on public gatherings. This prevented Survivors like Leah, who often live alone with limited human contact, from getting together and socializing at our center. Once again, leaving Leah devastated and lonely.

Although Leah was receiving meals through our Meals-on-Wheels program, Meir Panim recognized the need to provide relief from the social isolation many of our Survivors experienced during this unprecedented time.

We quickly assembled a team of volunteers to call Leah, and the hundreds of other homebound Survivors, to ensure that both their physical and emotional needs were cared for. Meir Panim proceeded to call Leah every single day, reviving her spirit, and providing her a lifeline during this challenging period.

Leah’s story is just one example of the life-saving support Survivors receive at our center. For many, it is the only access they have to hot meals, professional care, and stimulating programs. Thankfully, our Holocaust Survivor Day Center is open once again for Leah and other Survivors to enjoy. We are back to offering safe transportation to and from our Day Center, nutritious meals, enriching socialization, important therapy sessions, and other vital support for Israel’s Holocaust Survivors.

With the Jewish holidays coming up, it is more important than ever to ensure that Israel’s remaining Holocaust Survivors have the support they need. After all that our precious Survivors have been through, they deserve the very best.

Please help Meir Panim continue feeding and supporting Israel’s Holocaust Survivors. For as little as $45, you can help provide meals for a Survivor throughout the holidays and bring a smile to their face.

The facts about Israel’s Holocaust Survivors

Holocaust Survivors in Israel


Live below the poverty line


Often feel alone

How Meir Panim is making a difference

Meir Panim operates a Holocaust Survivor Day Center in the southern Israeli city of Dimona, where the elderly can gather each day to receive the care they need.


We serve our participants a warm breakfast and nutritious lunch every day, ensuring their physical needs are met.


Our professional social workers run activities and events for our Holocaust Survivors, providing them with emotional wellbeing.


We offer a warm and safe place for Holocaust Survivors to socialize, creating a sense of community among a vulnerable population.

Israel’s Holocaust Survivors need our support, now more than ever, to enjoy a meaningful and happy life despite the horrors of their past.

This year, you can change the life of a Holocaust Survivor in Israel

Meir Panim is preparing for our biggest holiday season ever. Through our Meals-On-Wheels program, we will supply thousands of Holocaust Survivors across Israel with food and other vital services for the upcoming holidays. We cannot deliver these life-enriching experiences without your support!


Meir Panim, a non-profit organization in support of Israel, was established to promote, support, and further activities which are committed to providing both immediate and long-term relief to the impoverished- young and old alike- via a dynamic range of food and social service programs, all aimed at helping the needy with dignity and respect.

American Friends of Meir Panim is a registered 501(c) (3) non-profit organization, registered under EIN Number 20-1582478
Donations to American Friends of Meir Panim are Tax Deductible in the USA